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Omeko Glinton’s Biography

At the tender age of eighteen, Meko started his journey as a professional bonefish guide which took off like a rocket and has placed him at the top of his profession throughout the world. At current, he still holds the title of the Bahamas Bonefish Champion. 

He also has a household name in the fly fishing and bonefish community. He has stunned the world with his very own production of bonefish lures.


Meko has ‘rubbed shoulders’ and become friends with an influential group of people because of their love for fly fishing. One of his role models was the late ‘Lefty Kreh’ (continue to Rest in Peace) who was both a friend and teacher to him over the years. He got to meet and grew to love Meko’s son ‘big Mike’ who he believes is the one that will continue the legacy. Lefty will always hold a special and dear place in our hearts.


Lefty started guiding with Meko’s grandfather, David Pinder Sr. in the 1950's at Deep Water Cay Club. Yes, the Legendary David Pinder Sr. is Meko's grandfather. His grandfather is the father of Fly fishing and founding guide at Deep Water Cay Club. You can find out more about the history in his new book called ‘BODY OF WATER’ by Chris Dombrowski. 


Meko's father is also the legendary Stanley Glinton also known as ‘Stan da Man,’ the founding guide of North Riding Point Club for over 26 years, where he would have built that company title from the ground up. 


Meko has also meet with numerous persons because of his field of work and his status has granted him the opportunity to build friendships with the following persons: Tom Brokaw from NBC, Michael Keaton also known as BATMAN, Liam Neeson the actor, Tom McGuane, Evon from Patagonia, KC Walsh from Simms, Perk Perkins from Orvis, Davis Love the 3rd (golfer) and Fred Funk (golfer) and the list goes on. Meko has also been featured in every saltwater/fly fishing magazine and since made the front page of the Anglers Club of New York magazine in 2019. 


Omeko has truly set himself apart from the pack because of his genuine love and passion for the sport, humanity, and change. Both owners of Meko Experience Flyfishing and Spa are about to set themselves further apart from the pack with their New Fly fishing & Spa lodging services here on the island of Grand Bahama Island. 


©2022 by Meko Experience (Fly Fishing & Spa)

Website Deisgn by Beviyan

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